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Who is Louise?

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Studio Louise Flowers is inspired by the shared name of my grandmother, Louise,

my mother Harriet Louise and myself, Jennifer Louise. For at least these three generations, we have all had a love of flowers and of growing things.

I never knew my grandmother Louise, but I do know that like others of her generation she tended plants and a garden as a matter of survival. She was also supportive of of my grandfather's Feed and Seed company which grew watermelons for seed in the 1920-30's.

As a child I remember my mother's large kitchen garden to feed our family and the wonder I had seeing her dahlia flowers as big as my head. She adored flowers and gardened until she was unable to.

My love of plants became an obsession as a young adult and started with small pots of vegetables, herbs and flowers set out on the porch rooftop of one of my first apartments. Now today, my garden is full of flowers and vegetables to share with family and friends and is an inspiration and material for my floral design. The passion for nature, plants and flowers has truly been a family affair.

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